Calgarians and Albertans have led the way in innovation and ingenuity in the energy sector and with these qualities we can continue to be global leaders in our climate response.
- The climate crisis is here and its effects are all around us. We can't single-handedly solve it, but we can lead the way and build a better, more resilient economy in the process.
- Calgary already has strong climate policy on paper, and experts working on it, but they need more resources to do the job. This is an emergency—and a smart investment.
- Calgarians know how to invest in climate security in ways that save us money, create good jobs, diversify the economy, make us healthier, and keep Calgary a place people young and old want to live.
- While the climate crisis affects all of us, it affects marginalized populations first, and worst.
- Groups who experience barriers to accessing resources, such as those who live on lower incomes, are less able to adapt to the effects of the climate crisis.
- 74% of Calgarians agree that we need to act now to mitigate climate change (2020 Calgary attitudes and outlook survey). We need leaders to step up now.
- A more sustainable economy avoids future boom and bust cycles while meeting our climate goals.
- Fuelling an innovative green-based economy will create jobs while keeping investments in renewable energy local.
- There is no economic recovery without climate security.
74% of Calgarians agree that we need to act now to mitigate climate change.
- We must empower and include Indigenous peoples in decision making. These decisions must lead to a sustainable world seven generations into the future.
- By offering Indigenous groups an important role in combating climate change, we are reinforcing Indigenous people’s customary rights to their lands and natural resources while also addressing climate change in an innovative, community-focused, and effective manner.
- Build a more-connected city that reduces our environmental impact as we move throughout it.
- Invest in green projects, including energy and water smart infrastructure, sustainable buildings, and innovations in transit and transportation.
- Make it easier, cheaper, safer, and more convenient for people to use their cars less.
- Integrate Indigenous strategies on climate resilience, with Indigenous leadership guiding the way.
- Shift the city and its subsidiaries over to renewables.
- Work to build and keep renewable energy innovation, investment, and jobs here in Calgary.
- Prepare for the impacts of climate change and acknowledge that those impacts disproportionately affect marginalized groups. Calgary and all of its citizens need to be better equipped in dealing with both the long-term and short-term effects of severe weather events.